About Moments of Gold

Stationery and Lifestyle products combining stunning designs with functionality.
To make each day your best.

Moments of Gold is a small, spoonie-owned business.

undatierter Monatsplaner Notizblock mit goldenen Dreiecks-Büroklammern, goldenem Kugelschreiber und goldener Foldback-Klammer auf hell-beigem Hintergrund
Goldene und schwarze Foldback-Klammern auf schwarz-gesprenkelter weißer Dekoschale auf hell beiger Teddy Decke
weiße Happy Birthday Geburtstagskarte mit schwarzem Linien-Design auf beiger Strick-Decke mit schwarzen Foldback-Klammern
schwarze und goldene Büroklammern in Sonderformen (Wassertropfen, spitz und Dreieck) auf einer Dekoschale aus hellem Marmor

Our products...

... are designed and carefully selected with love.

For their journey to their new homes, they are packaged plastic-free, whenever possible.

All print products (notepads, calendars, cards,...) are made in Germany.

About Maja

Welcome! I am Maja, the creator of Moments of Gold.

I create planners and other lifestyle products that are not only aesthetically pleasing but actually useful.
Even as a child I've always loved planners, calendars, and notebooks but whenever I was looking for some, all I could find were colorful animal calendars and pastel pink planners. No design ever met my standards, so I started bullet journaling.
When I got chronically ill, journaling helped me reconnect with myself and deal with the new challenges I was facing.
Thorough planning and organization became essential to stay on top of things.
When I was home a lot due to my new restrictions, I started learning the thing that I was interested in for the longest time: graphic design.
I created my first own planner and immediately realized that this is what I want to do.
I want to help others organize all aspects of their life and stay on track with their goals and to do that with beautiful designs.

Eine graue Katze und ein bräunlich getigerter Kater sitzen nebeneinander auf einer Kommode und sehen in die Kamera
Graue Katze in einem Korb mit Brennholz. Hinter ihr brennt ein Feuer im Ofen.
Bräunlich getigerter Kater in einem Karton mit Altpapier
Graue Katze, die die Zunge rausstreckt. Sie liegt auf einem Karton unt hat einen Arm eingeknickt.

My little helpers

This is Mikey (tiger) and Fiona (grey). They help me with the disposal of paper and are my moral support.

Despite my best efforts, a stray hair from their beautiful fur may occasionally find its way into your packages. We are so sorry about that.